New premises for NovAliX with the takeover of Sanofi Strasbourg and an agreement signed with Janssen.
New premises for Stephan Jenn, president of NovAliX and his team in Val de Reuil and Strasbourg to increase its production capacities.
NovAliX has also signed an agreement with Janssen and becomes one of its main research providers.
Congratulations to Stephan Jenn and his team for this important development. Evosciences remains more than ever Novalix’s partner to finance its laboratory equipment and help it grow.
About NovAlix.
NovAliX is a CRO focused on drug discovery, based on the transfer of academic knowledge into industrial applications of interest.
NovAliX is a private company located near Strasbourg (France) and owned by its Management team, its scientific founders and its employees.
After two decades of excellent results in chemistry and biophysics for its customers, NovAliX has become a supplier recognized for its expertise with its partners ranging from virtual companies to global players.
NovAliX provides externalized support that complements the internal capacities of its partners, from biopharmaceutical companies to venture capital companies, while developing alliances adapted to each need. NovAliX pioneered the concept and practice of insourcing in Europe but has also engaged in risk-sharing collaborations with biotechnology investors. An alliance with a large pharmaceutical company has also been entered into to co-develop DNA encoded library technology.